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“Safety! Caught Being Safe” October

“Safety! Caught Being Safe” October

Prospect Airport Services is pleased to announce the winner of the latest Safety! Caught Being Safe contest for October 2022.  At Prospect, Safety is our top priority and the subject of continuous training and monitoring.  Prospect’s leadership is constantly reviewing safety protocols and adherence and rewards employees demonstrating safe practices.

In October, Prospect Las Vegas International Airport employee Tammy was awarded company-wide Safety! Caught Being Safe honors at a company ceremony.  Prospect managers submit names of team members who go above and beyond in demonstrating and practicing safety.  LAS Prospect employee Tammy was awarded $2,500 as our October winner. Prospect LAS General Manager Amel Bajrektarevic presented Tammy with her certificate and check in the above photo. 

Bajrektarevic said, “We are really happy and thankful for her. Tammy always go above and beyond when it comes to customer service and the safety of our customers.”


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