Prospect Sponsors “Wings for Autism®” at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport
Prospect Airport Services, Inc. was proud to sponsor the 4th Annual Wings for Autism® event at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport this month.
Wings for Autism® is an event designed to alleviate some of the stress that families who have a child with autism experience when traveling by air. The program provides families with the opportunity to practice entering the airport, obtaining boarding passes, going through security, and boarding a plane.
Wings for Autism also gives our team from Prospect and other airport, airline, and TSA professionals the opportunity to observe, interact and deliver their services in a structured, learning environment. This experience is equally useful for families that have a member with other intellectual or developmental disabilities that are concerned about the ability of their family member to travel.
Susie Luks, a mother on an autistic child said, “Our experience was flawless! This event was put together so well and our experience was priceless and full of hope. I strongly believe after attending this event that our family will be able to successfully travel on a plane now. Thank you again!”
This year, more than 300 people participated. Attendees had the opportunity to board an airplane and go through all the processes and procedures involved in air travel. Families received goodie bag, a catered lunch, treats and extra special attention from all the volunteers working to make this a successful event.